Does the business have a physical storefront or office?
Does your business have a professionally designed and high converting website?
What is the average price of the products/services you offer?
Is your product or service a one-time sale or is it recurring?
Is your lead-to-sale conversion low or high? 20% and up is high.
Do you have more than 20 positive customer reviews available for the public to access?
Is your company rating high or low? High is 4 or 5 stars out of 5.
Have you been in business for 5 years or more?
Do you have a proven sales process in place to convert leads into customers?
Do you need more than 30 leads or less than 30 leads per month?
Can you handle more than 10 customers per week or less than 10?
Is your customer target market local or national?
Is the population of your target area less than 100,000?
Is your product or service seasonally based?
Does your business have a professionally designed Facebook page we can access?
Based on the niche market your business is in, your cost-per-lead price will increase by your X-FACTOR value to determine your final cost-per-lead price.
Description | Information | Quantity | Price |
Discount : | |||
Total : | 0.00% |