PPC Consultation

PPC or pay-per-click advertising can be very rewarding, but it can also be very financially and mentally draining when done incorrectly. You could be paying for keywords that do not reap good returns. You could be paying for keywords that you could easily rank for organically. You could be overpaying simply because your campaigns are not optimized properly.

PPC isn’t about just paying for clicks, it should be about paying for potential buyers. You should be able to invest your money rather than throwing your money away blindly. These are only a few reasons why you should consult with our Texas SEO & PPC experts.

You need someone that has the knowledge and expertise to research and analyze every keyword you’ve selected to determine whether they are buying keywords. Buying keywords indicate that people are searching to buy, not just to research. You need someone to generate at least an additional 100-300 keywords your business can target. You need someone to sit down and optimize your campaigns so that you’ll pay less for each click and make more sales and profit.

Are You Up For The Challenge?

At our Dallas, Texas SEO firm we not only challenge ourselves, but we also challenge our clients. Our challenge to you is that we can optimize a better campaign than you regardless of your industry and time in business.

Our PPC Challenge is a $960 package, but to get started we only require a 20% retainer deposit of $199. If we do NOT significantly improve your CTR, conversion AND lower costs, we eat the remaining 80% ourselves. The retainer deposit pays for our research and analysis. The time spent to actively optimize your campaigns will not be paid by you unless we beat your existing campaign(s). Please view our rates & terms for more information.

Project Cancellation:

A “significant” improvement of your campaign must be 150% increase in CTR and conversion, but a 20% decrease in spending compared to your top 3 performing campaigns.
We believe in putting our money where our mouth is. We honestly think we’re that good and that if we are going to make a significant difference in someone’s business, we need to be able to prove it or lose it! Of course, if we lose it, it just means you’re already doing an awesome job and shouldn’t even worry about finding an SEO firm. Unless of course you’re tired of doing it yourself and need a team that is reliable enough to keep up the good work.

To get started, contact our Dallas, Texas SEO team for a free analysis (does not include PPC consultation). With the free analysis, you can then mention the PPC challenge to proceed with that program.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising is a great way to test your website, it will help you to make sure your website is converting visitors to do whatever you want them to do, buy something on your website, have them call you, schedule an appointment, etc.

However, PPC can quickly make you lose your shirt. Businesses regularly get this wrong. They watch a you tube video on how to do PPC advertising, and they try to do it themselves, or just flat out try to do it themselves, but do not know what they are doing. We regularly see businesses flying blind, even businesses with huge 6 figure monthly budgets!

Here is a little bit of information that shows you how it works and how you can get the best results. However, Please, Please do not try to manage this yourself. Let us help you and show you how to maximize your PPC budget and get the best results out of it… here is that info graphic I promised you: PPC advertising can be a *very* profitable way to increase sales quickly and increase your leads. Therefore, it should be a small part of every business’ Internet advertising campaigns, especially before they embark upon a SEO campaign, you want to use PPC to test that your keywords are the keywords you want to target.

After all, a SEO Campaign can take a few months to upto more than half a year to get results, if you don’t test your keywords and you do all that work on your SEO, only to find out that when you rank #1 you are not getting the results you want, then you wasted all your time, attention and budget on something you could have figured out with a little bit of adspend and some split testing.

We are experts at all of this, we can help you, starting very shortly if you give us a call or book an appointment online (click the large button at the bottom of this page to schedule the appointment)…

Unfortunately, managing even a small PPC campaign can be quite complex and requires a very specialized knowledge along with experience. There are several (fixable) problems that the novice advertiser normally runs into…
Understanding the rules and tips and tricks for every search engine
Google, alone, has lots of unwritten rules for how campaigns should be set up and run. These rules can have a direct impact on how much you’ll pay for advertising as well as what ads you may or may not run. These rules include:• Keyword grouping • Ad Wording • Ad relevancy • Quality score – (VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!!) • Click through rate – (Again, VERY, VERY CRITICAL!!) • Bid pricing (this is complex, see the infoGraphic above for details) • And a few others
Keyword Research
Most companies have anywhere from 5 to 15 keywords and should most likely be bidding on 200 to 3,000. That sounds overwhelming, however, with the right tools and strategies, that can make a big difference in your ad campaigns.
Ad Testing
If you are not split testing, you are most likely getting only a small percentage of visitors to your site, if done right, you should get a huge amount of the actual traffic that searches for your targeted keywords. Split testing can be the biggest difference.
Conversion Tracking
Most business owners do not know how to track if the clicks they had to pay for generated any profits. Obviously, without this information, you are flying blind… This is a huge mistake they often make.
Having the right tools and knowing how to use them properly to help create and manage pay per click campaigns is really critical. Most business owners are clueless on any of these tools.
Targeted (Landing) Sales Pages
Most business owners, who do their own PPC advertising, make this massive mistake. They send all the traffic to the home page of their website. This is a huge mistake. Creating a Targeted Landing page, a single page with no external links to distract them is the proper way, yet many business owners are clueless about how to create them or set them up and optimize them. Split testing these is also critical and normally not done.
We will create a strong solution for you that optimizes each and every one of these issues. Schedule an appointment, online, to see first hand how we can make a huge difference for your business, today, saving you money on your current ad spend and increasing your profits at the same time, or give us a call and we will schedule it for you.