Welcome to Your Digital Path to Success

X-Factor Calculator

The calculator below will walk you through the 15 X-FACTORS that will determine the difficulty of generating leads for your business and will tell us whether your lead generation will cost more or less than the industry standard.



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Has Physical Location

Does the business have a physical storefront or office?

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Has a website

Does your business have a professionally designed and high converting website?

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Average Product/Service Price

What is the average price of the products/services you offer?

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Sale Occurrence

Is your product or service a one-time sale or is it recurring?

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Average Conversion Rate

Is your lead-to-sale conversion low or high? 20% and up is high.

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Customer Reviews

Do you have more than 20 positive customer reviews available for the public to access?

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Customer Rating

Is your company rating high or low? High is 4 or 5 stars out of 5.

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Years In Business

Have you been in business for 5 years or more?

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Have Sales Process

Do you have a proven sales process in place to convert leads into customers?

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Lead Capacity

Do you need more than 30 leads or less than 30 leads per month?

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Customer Capacity

Can you handle more than 10 customers per week or less than 10?

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Local or National

Is your customer target market local or national?

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Is the population of your target area less than 100,000?

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Is your product or service seasonally based?

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Has Facebook Page

Does your business have a professionally designed Facebook page we can access?

You need to select an item to continue

Below is your X-FACTOR percentage

Based on the niche market your business is in, your cost-per-lead price will increase by your X-FACTOR value to determine your final cost-per-lead price.

Service Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

Current Retail Price Before X-FACTOR

After you have the final X-FACTOR value, multiply it to the client’s niche market below. I.E If the X-FACTOR value is 23% and their niche is Entertainment, then the math is $40 x 1.23 or $49.20 for each lead. At this point, it’s just a matter of how many leads they want. Our minimum is $500. Anything below $500 is not worth our time. This does not have to be a monthly subscription or require a contract.